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Legal updates

05 May 2014 Employment advice

Under section 80F of the Employment Rights Act 1996 Employees have the right to request flexible working if they have been employed for 26 weeks and have childcare responsibilities or responsibilities to care for an adult relative and there is a specified procedure which an employer must follow when such a request is made. From 30th June 2014 all employees who have been continuously employed for 26 weeks or more will have a right to ask their employer for a change to their contractual terms and conditions of employment to work flexibly. The requirement to follow the regulations when considering an application for flexible working will be replaced by a requirement to "deal with the application in a reasonable manner." From 30th June if an employer receives a request from an employee for flexible working…

01 May 2014 Employment advice

From 2 May, 2014 the time period for a transferor to provide employee liability information to a transferee increases from 14 to 28 days before the transfer. This only applies to TUPE transfers which take place on or after 1 May 2014. Additionally, from Tuesday 6th May it will be compulsory to notify ACAS of an intended tribunal claim before presenting an employment tribunal claim form. ACAS early conciliation has been optional since 6 April 2014; from 6 May 2014 it will become compulsory. Published: May 2014 Contact us: For further advice on your employment issues contact Gillian Reid 01904 716050.
17 April 2014 Wills and estates

The Ministry of Justice has recently announced that Probate Court Fees are to increase with effect from the 22nd April 2014. The fee for the application of a Grant by a Solicitor is being increased from £45 to £155 and the cost of a personal application rises to £215. The fee per certified copy for the Grant is reducing from £1.00 to 50p. Any applications received by the Probate registry on or after the 22nd April will be subject to the increase. When someone dies it is often necessary to obtain a Grant of Probate or Grant of Letters of Administration (Grants of Representation) in order to be able to deal with the assets in the estate. These may include bank accounts, shares and insurance policies. If the deceased owned a property it will be…
04 April 2014 Employment advice

Changes to employment law The start of the new tax year on 6 April 2014 will see a number of changes to employment law. The rule changes will affect many areas of employment law, from employment tribunals and discrimination, to everyday areas such as auto-enrolment and maternity pay. Key changes: Statutory maternity and paternity pay will increase from £136.78 to £138.18 The time period for auto-enrolling workers has increased from 1 month to 6 weeks Employee complaints are now required to submit details to the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS) Tribunal award limits are being increased.   Published: April 2014 Contact us: For further advice on your employment issues contact Gillian Reid 01904 716050. "http://www.warekay.co.uk/news-updates/family
13 March 2014 Employment advice

There is no doubt that CV fraud is on the increase; in a recent survey, one in five candidates admitted to lying on their CV and more than 50 per cent of employers said they had spotted material inaccuracies in CVs. Many CVs contain minor errors - such as wrong dates or exaggerated achievements - that may be overlooked by an employer, but CV fraud is more intentional and involves lying about qualifications or experience. In the worst case scenario this could be a criminal offence or present a threat to public safety. Being a victim of CV fraud will waste your time and your money and could put your professional reputation at stake.  The best way to avoid it is by verifying details on interviewees' CVs from the outset. You should check: identity…
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