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Legal updates

03 November 2023 Employment advice

Farming is a demanding business – especially in these financially troubled times – and you need every staff member to be working at the top of their game. If you have an employee who is frequently late or calling in sick, or who is stirring up trouble with constant complaints, it can have an effect on the wellbeing of your livestock, the morale of other workers, and on your profit margin. Strict UK employment laws usually restrict your ability to simply sack a troublesome full-time employee without a long, arduous legal process. However, if you have an employee who is not performing as they should, or has raised a troublesome grievance in the workplace, a settlement agreement can be a useful way of terminating their employment, or resolving a dispute, without fear of repercussions, as Kalpesh…

03 November 2023 Family Matters

Along with the welfare issues to be considered when thinking how to meet your child’s needs, parents who are separating will need to decide on practical issues around the contact arrangements with the other Parent. There are a number of different types of Child arrangements, which vary in terms of the quality of the time spent which occurs. In this article we will focus on the different types of indirect contact and how it might work. ‘Indirect contact means the amount of time a parent has with a child that is not face to face,’ explains a Family Lawyer with Ware & Kay in York. ‘In an increasingly digital age this can now take many formats.’   Why should there be indirect contact? There are a number of different reasons: It is the safest option…
31 October 2023 Wills and estates

Power of Attorney is a significant legal tool, but there are circumstances where contesting its validity may be necessary. If you find yourself asking, "Can you contest Power of Attorney in the UK?" you're in the right place. If you require further clarification or personalised legal assistance, our team of experienced solicitors are here to assist you. Call us today on 01904 716000 (York) or 01937 583210 (Wetherby) or 01653 692247 (Malton), or complete our online contact form. Can You Contest Power of Attorney in the UK? Under UK law, it is possible to contest Power of Attorney, but certain conditions must be met, and the grounds for contesting must be substantiated. Here are key points to consider: Lack of Mental Capacity The document may be contested if the person granting Power of Attorney lacked mental capacity when signing. Mental capacity is crucial for…
18 October 2023 Wills and estates

Both locally and nationally, many farms have diversified to provide additional income streams - and some farmers now run several diversified businesses on former agricultural land, such as holiday lets and solar farms. Although this extra income may be vital and diversifying may be the only way to secure the family business can continue, an unintended consequence can be the loss of Inheritance Tax reliefs available. Laura Schofield, Wills & Probate Solicitor with Ware & Kay, considers this. Inheritance tax – the basics Inheritance Tax is a tax on the estate of someone who has died. The rate is 40% on the amount above the ‘nil rate band’ which depends on the individual concerned and the assets – from £325,000 to £500,000 per person, or up to £1,000,000 per couple depending on the size of…
21 September 2023 Residential property

There are many reasons why you might want to buy agricultural property: to farm, of course, but also perhaps to develop, or to use for hunting or fishing purposes. Woodland, equestrian properties and fishing lakes may be a good investment for a self-invested personal pension (SIPP), or perhaps you simply wish to have a peaceful rural setting for your retirement.  Whatever your reasons, before you buy you need to ensure the property can actually be used for your intended purposes as there are many legal stumbling blocks that can arise when purchasing farmland, we highlight some of the issues relating to rights of way, easements, and sporting rights. Rights of way Many areas of farmland are in remote locations, some distance from a public road, and you will need to ensure you have a right of access…
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