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Legal updates

30 January 2024 Residential property

 We can give you a helping hand to beat those winter blues with our discount  Residential Property Sales & Purchases - Save 10% on Fees

17 January 2024 Litigation

Falling out with your neighbours in rural areas is not uncommon. Farming activities are more than likely to cause smell, mud, noise, traffic problems or other disruption at some stage. However, if the impact of your farming operations on your neighbours is severe enough to amount to a nuisance, you could find yourself in a legal dispute and possibly having to defend a court claim which could be both expensive and time consuming. “There are three types of nuisances: private, public and statutory”, says Johanne Spittle, Director, Litigation & Dispute Resolution at Ware & Kay York, Wetherby and Malton. A private nuisance is caused when you do something (or don’t do something) on your land which you are entitled to do but which impacts on or extends onto your neighbour’s land. There are many situations where…
15 January 2024 Employment advice

Navigating employment law disciplinary processes can be complicated at the best of times. Below is an overview of our guidance and key pointers. Dual obligations As well as complying with the ACAS code of conduct for disciplinaries, those employing staff in this regulated sector must also fulfil their notification and reporting obligations to the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and/or Prudential regulation Authority (PRA). You will be familiar with the new SM&CR regime which prescribes the interplay between the two minefields. This regime re-iterates the importance of managing a disciplinary process fairly as the consequence of not doing so could fall back on your own management team. All financial services staff (including Senior Managers) are governed by the 6 conduct rules and there are four supplementary Conduct Rules for Senior Managers. All these rules require basic standards…
10 January 2024 Employment advice

You’ve heard of New Year, new me, but how about New Year, new employment laws?! There has been a recent surge in legislation that employers need to be aware of in the upcoming year and how it may impact them. Here Kalpesh Nakeshree, Head of Employment law provides 3 key updates to be mindful of: National Minimum Wage For the first time, the top rate of national minimum wage will apply to workers aged 21 and over from 01 April 2024 (currently it only applies to those aged 23 and over). The new top rate is set to be £11.44 which is an increase of 9.8% from 2023. Employers must ensure that the correct minimum wage payments are made or they will risk claims being made from staff which could result in significant…
08 January 2024 Employment advice

Dealing with employee grievances can sometimes seem like a thankless drain on a business’s management and resources. But a prompt investigation could uncover inappropriate behaviour or poor management that needs to be nipped in the bud, avoiding bigger problems down the line and reputational risk for the organisation. Employers must comply with the Acas Code of Practice on Disciplinary and Grievance Procedures (the Code), which sets out the basic steps and principles for dealing with a grievance. ‘While this encourages employers to ‘have a quiet word’ or to use mediation where appropriate, investing time and resources in dealing with a grievance can pay off in the longer term,’ explains Kalpesh Nakeshree, Head of Employment Law with Ware & Kay. ‘An informal approach could backfire as the employee may feel their concerns have not been taken seriously…
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