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Legal updates

09 September 2011 Employment advice

Dismissing An Employee Lawyers Malton, York & Wetherby When a business wants to make a change to the terms and conditions of its employees, it often goes through a process of consultation, seeking agreement to the changes. If, after the consultation period, all or some of the employees do not agree to the proposed changes, the business may be able to dismiss these employees fairly for some other substantial reason (SOSR), offering employment on new terms and conditions. In a recent case, a company asked its employees to take a 5% pay cut after a fall in the company's sales and profits. Following a company-wide consultation, only two employees refused to agree to the change. The company terminated their employment and offered new terms and conditions on the reduced pay. The Employment Appeal Tribunal held that…

07 September 2011 Employment advice

A settlement agreement is the formal name given to a termination agreement between an employer and an employee. Although marked "Without Prejudice" (ie off the record), once signed the agreement becomes binding upon you and your employer. The effect of you signing a settlement agreement is that in exchange for a termination payment and any other benefits which your employer agrees to give you, you will be giving up most, if not all, of your employment-related legal rights. This means that once you have signed the agreement, you will not be able to bring any claim in respect of your employment or its termination in an Employment Tribunal, County Court or High Court. For example, you cannot bring an unfair or wrongful dismissal claim, any form of discrimination claim, any breach of contract claim or claim for…
06 September 2011 Residential property

This checklist explains what a tenancy deposit scheme (TDS) is and what a landlord's obligations are under a TDS. What is a TDS? A landlord under an assured shorthold tenancy (AST) must protect a tenant's deposit by using an authorised tenancy deposit scheme (TDS) operated by an approved scheme administrator. A TDS has two main objectives: To ensure that, when a tenant pays a deposit, it will be protected and returned to the tenant at the end of the AST, except when the landlord has a legitimate claim on it. To resolve disputes between landlords and tenants using dispute resolution rather than via the courts. There are two types of TDS: There are two types of TDS: A custodial TDS requires a landlord to pay its tenant's deposit to a…
06 September 2011 Employment advice

More than 1.3 million workers have lost their jobs during this recession and there are substantial public sector job cuts to come. Even if you do not face redundancy, it is likely that you know someone who will. It therefore pays to know your rights. If you have more than one year's employment, you may be able to claim unfair dismissal if the redundancy was not genuine or your employer did not follow the correct procedure. You have to move quickly though - you only have three months from the date your employment ends to start a claim. In following the correct procedure, your employer has to consult with you individually in a series of meetings. This gives you a chance to come up with suggestions for avoiding your redundancy, consider any other jobs your…
03 September 2011 Employment advice

A Restrictive Covenant is a contractual term restricting an employee's activities after termination but is void for being in restraint of trade and contrary to public policy unless the employer can show that: It has a legitimate proprietary interest that it is appropriate to protect. The protection sought is no more than is reasonable having regard to the interests of the parties and the public interest. General An employer cannot impose a covenant merely to stop someone competing, but it can seek to stop that person using or damaging something which legitimately belongs to it. This type of restriction is to be distinguished from the duty of confidentiality that an employee owes to an employer. The duty of confidentiality is founded in common law and does not require an express restraint to be…
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