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Firm updates

Johanne Spittle featured in Yorkshire Post (Property People)

02 February 2021 Written by Ware & Kay Solicitors Category: Firm updates

johannaWhat are the prospects for the property sector in Yorkshire and Humber?

There will inevitably be some readjustment in the property sector post Covid as individuals and businesses make permanent changes to the way they live and work. As the property sector adapts to these changes, I am optimistic that our region is ideally placed to take advantage of new opportunities that will emerge such as the growth in online shopping and the demand in the logistics sector.

What is the best project you have been involved in?

As a property litigator my projects tend to be based on things going wrong for other people, I think ‘best project’ might be a misdescription! I have been involved in some fascinating cases; one of the most rewarding was a dispute over the design of a landmark sustainable building which was happily resolved through ADR saving all involved the cost of going to trial.

What is your favourite building in the region and why?

Holy Trinity church in Goodramgate York has to be one of Yorkshire’s hidden gems. It stands in a secluded and quiet churchyard hidden away from the busy shopping streets. The 17th century box pews alone are worth a visit

If you could change one thing to improve the property industry in this region, what would it be?

Alternative uses, including residential, for retail space in our empty high streets would boost the property industry; improve our communities and rejuvenate the high street in this and other regions.

Who has inspired you?

Yorkshire born Brenda Hale, later to become Baroness Hale of Richmond, is definitely an inspiration to me. She was the first and only woman to have been appointed as a Lord of Appeal in the House of Lords and has been a champion for gender equality and diversity throughout her long and remarkable career in the law.

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