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01 April 2021 Family Matters

Following the introduction of civil partnerships in 2005 and same sex marriages in 2014, there has been an increase in families and then relationship breakdown between same sex parents.  Finding agreement over issues relating to children can be tricky in any relationship breakdown. When a same sex couple separate it can raise several unique additional questions regarding arrangements for children and each person’s legal rights when children may be adopted, the parents may benefit from surrogacy or sperm donation, or one partner may have children from a previous relationship. Robert Bellhouse, a Solicitor in the family law team with Ware & Kay in York & Wetherby looks at some of the steps and considerations same sex couples need to bear in mind in relation to agreeing future arrangements for children.  Reaching agreement together In any family…
19 March 2021 Family Matters

Families now come in all shapes and sizes, and children may live with parents who are cohabiting, married, separated or divorced. They may be part of a step-family, live with adoptive parents, grandparents, other relatives or a special guardian. If you have spent many years living with and developing a close bond with a child, you may be concerned that your ‘parental’ status is not formally recognised and you may worry that you could be excluded from key decisions in the future. Robert Bellhouse, family law expert at Ware & Kay Solicitors in York & Wetherby explains that parental responsibility is a legal concept defined by the Children Act.  ‘It determines all the rights, duties, powers and responsibilities and authority that a parent of a child has in relation to the child and their property.’ Whoever…
10 March 2021 Family Matters

As part of any discussion regarding family finances following divorce, it is important to consider pensions.  As Robert Bellhouse, family law expert with Ware & Kay in York & Wetherby explains, this is particularly so if compared to your former spouse you only have a very modest pension of your own or perhaps no pension at all. ‘In many cases, it may be possible to obtain a share of your former spouse’s pension pot in order to address any inequality in entitlement’, explains Robert Bellhouse, ‘but it is important to seek legal advice early to determine whether an application to the court is appropriate and, if it is, to ensure that any order made is fair’. When can a pension be shared? The court can make a pension sharing order where legal proceedings are issued to…
25 February 2021 Family Matters

As a step-parent who is getting divorced or separating, you may feel confused over what rights you will have in relation to your step-children especially if you have spent many years living as a family and have grown to love them as your own.  You know how important your bond is and may be worried that your former spouse may try to damage this relationship.  It can be an anxious time, but we can help you understand what rights you have and what options are available to you. In legal terms, to be a step-parent you must have married or entered a civil partnership with one of the child’s biological parents.  If you did not marry the biological parent but lived together with them, then your rights will be slightly different and it is important that…
19 January 2021 Family Matters

The Covid-19 pandemic made 2020 a difficult year for most people, but with Brexit predicted to hit the agricultural sector especially hard, farming families may be under considerable strain as we enter 2021. Couple these factors with the enormous stress Christmas can place on a relationship and it does not take a crystal ball to see a swathe of separations and divorce petitions emerging from farming families in the new year. Deciding what to do about dividing property, sorting financial affairs and making arrangements for children during separation is always stressful, but it can be particularly complicated where agricultural assets are concerned. Robert Bellhouse, specialist family law solicitor at Ware & Kay Solicitors in York & Wetherby explains the key things you need to know about farming divorce. Division of assets for farming families When a couple…
13 January 2021 Family Matters

If you are coming out of a relationship, whether you were cohabiting, married or in a civil partnership, you may be asking if you need to formalise that separation.  A separation agreement is a formal contract which can be agreed between you and your former partner to determine the division of your financial assets and responsibilities.  ‘No matter how amicable your separation is, and whether you were married or not, it is wise to seek legal advice on your financial position as complications can arise in the future,’ says Robert Bellhouse, a Family Solicitor in the family team with Ware & Kay.  ‘A separation agreement can save you money and upset in the long run.’ You are not legally required to obtain a separation agreement, but it will provide you with reassurance and certainty on where…
22 December 2020 Family Matters

When a relationship breaks down, it can be one of the most distressing events many of us will have to endure.  There can be a lot to sort out; family finances, arrangements for children and who stays in the house.  Most people assume that the only way to end their marriage or formalise a separation involves a visit to court to let a judge make those decisions. 
21 December 2020 Family Matters

Sometimes when the family court orders a payment to be made by your former spouse to settle a financial claim in divorce proceedings, the money owed is not always handed over when it should be. Where this happens, it can be difficult to know what to do. Robert Bellhouse, family law expert with Ware & Kay in York & Wetherby explains your options. ‘If money the court has ordered should be paid to you is not paid when due, it is up to you to take action’, says Robert. ‘The first step is to make contact with your former spouse to try to encourage them to pay you what is owed. If this does not work then you should contact your solicitor who will make a formal demand for payment and, if necessary, refer the matter…
18 December 2020 Family Matters

Bringing up the subject of a prenuptial agreement can be as daunting as popping the question, perhaps more so as it raises the issue that the marriage might not last. But how should you react if you have been asked to sign an agreement? What should you look out for in a draft agreement? ‘Prenuptial agreements are not just used by the rich and famous, but by couples and families looking to safeguard certain assets. Much like an insurance policy, everyone hopes they will never have to use the agreement, but it does provide a level of reassurance if a break-up ever happens’ says Robert Bellhouse, a Solicitor in the family law team with Ware & Kay. If you have been asked to sign a prenuptial agreement, there are a number of things to consider first…
03 December 2020 Family Matters

If you are contemplating divorce, then you may need to consider whether it would be beneficial to commence proceedings prior to Brexit.  This is particularly important if either you or your spouse are nationals of another EU country, if you last resided in another EU country while married, or if there are marital assets such as property in another EU country. ‘Unhappy couples often try to get through Christmas and put off calling a divorce lawyer until the New Year.’ However, Robert Bellhouse a Family Solicitor in the family law team with Ware & Kay in York & Wetherby says ‘If there is any international aspect to your relationship, it is a good idea to speak to a solicitor as soon as possible to discuss your particular circumstances and the options available to you prior to…
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