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05 October 2021 Employment advice

In an episode of the Netflix series House of Cards, the American First Lady Claire Underwood opens the door of her huge refrigerator and stands there cooling off from a hot flush. The scene generated plenty of debate online, as it was a rare case of the menopause being acknowledged in a drama as an everyday occurrence. Like period cramps, the menopause is a health condition which most women will experience at some point, usually between the ages of 45 to 55 and like any health issue it needs to be handled sensitively in the workplace. As Gillian Reid, employment law expert with Ware & Kay in York & Wetherby explains, ‘Employers need to be alert to the HR and legal implications of menopause transition, as failure to take a sympathetic and responsible approach could see…
01 October 2021 Firm updates

Leading Yorkshire Law Firm Ware & Kay Solicitors (with offices in York, Wetherby and Malton) has announced a new key appointment.  David Hyams will assume the role of Managing Director from 1st October to drive the firm forward and deliver its growth strategy. Ware & Kay, a full service law firm continues to go from strength to strength, providing a high quality and personal service to clients.  David, who has been a Director and Head of Commercial Property since 2003, will now head up the firm as part of the strategic plan for the future. Having considerable operational experience, David will be bringing a wealth of managerial insight to the role and will work closely with his colleagues across the firm’s other offices. This appointment will help take the firm to the next stage of its…
23 September 2021 Wills and estates

Ware & Kay Solicitors has once again teamed up with St Gemma’s Hospice to give you the opportunity to have your Will written free of charge in exchange for a donation to the Hospice during the month of October. Why make a Will? We spend our lives working to provide for ourselves and our loved ones. As life changes around you, it is a good time to consider making your Will. Making your Will means you can be certain that your wishes are followed after your death. Making a Will is often seen as a very sensitive subject, one which many people prefer to put off until a later date. However, a professionally written Will can make life much easier for our loved ones when the time comes. A Will is the only way to make sure your money, property, possessions…
22 September 2021 Litigation

New Regulations which come into force on 30 September 2021 (The Coronavirus Act 2020 (Residential Tenancies and Notices) (Amendment and Suspension) (England) Regulations 2021) mean that from 1 October 2021 the notice periods for Notices Seeking Possession of residential properties let on assured tenancies and assured shorthold tenancies will revert to pre pandemic periods. This means that landlords serving Section 21 notices will from 1 October 2021 only need to give 2 months’ notice that they require possession. Landlords serving Section 8 notices where they are relying on unpaid rent grounds (Grounds 8, 10 and 11); deterioration of the property (Ground 13); damage to furniture (Ground 15); other breach of a tenancy obligation (Ground 12) or a false statement that induced the landlord to grant the tenancy (Ground 17) will be able to return to giving…
21 September 2021 Wills and estates

Making a Will and letting your family and friends know your wishes are vital, and it can be a lot more affordable and straightforward than you think... MAKE A WILL MONTH October 2021   A Will is one of the most important documents you will ever have drawn up, but it's something that many people put off. If YOU don't have a Will, or your Will needs updating.  Ware & Kay Solicitors has once again teamed up with St Leonard's Hospice to give you the opportunity to have your Will written free of charge in exchange for a donation to the Hospice. Ware & Kay Solicitors are giving their time, free of charge, to write basic Wills in exchange for a suggested minimum donation to St Leonard's Hospice. It's easy... Arrange an appointment with one of the following Solicitors on 01904 716000 during Make a Will month: Sian Foster - Head of Wills & Probate Bella O’Keeffe - Solicitor in Wills & Probate…
21 September 2021 Litigation

Court fees are set to increase as the government seeks more to fund the Court and Tribunal service.  The Government launched a consultation in March 2021 on increasing selected Court fees and help with fees income threshold in line with inflation, and to backdate increases to feed by inflation to 2016 (the last year that fees were increased). It is estimated the change will raised up to £17m extra every year for HM Courts & Tribunals Service and reduce the burden on the Treasury for funding the system. There were 89 responses to the consultation period. Respondents were split on whether they agreed with the proposal that fees should be increased periodically in line with inflation. 61% of respondents disagreed with the proposal to apply inflation (backdated to 2016 or the year the fee was last…
16 September 2021 Wills and estates

Will disputes are becoming increasingly common due to an increase in the elderly population, a rise in dementia and Alzheimer’s sufferers, changes in family structures and the increasing value of estates.  Julie Bradwell a Litigation Solicitor specialising in Contentious Probate gives an overview of the various ways to contest a Will or make claims against an Estate. What are the grounds for contesting a Will or estate? Claim under the Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependants) Act 1975 If you have been left out of a family member or a friend's Will, or if you do not think you have been left enough under a Will, then you may be able to make a claim for reasonable financial provision under the above Act. There are a number of criteria which any potential claimant will need to satisfy…
10 September 2021 Family Matters

While it is not always easy for a couple who have separated to agree arrangements for their children, it can be even more of a challenge for farming families especially at this time of day.  Early starts for milking, and the long hours required at harvest can add to the stress, especially if a family cannot enlist the help of grandparents for school runs, after-school clubs, and wraparound care. The Covid-19 pandemic has been hard on children as they were repeatedly parted from their friends and their studies for extended periods, due to numerous lockdowns and self-isolation rules. No sooner were they back into a reassuring routine at school, albeit a routine featuring face coverings, social distancing and class bubbles, the summer holidays kicked in, again spelling separation from friends and a break from the reassuring…
08 September 2021 Firm updates

Leading Law firm Ware & Kay Solicitors has appointed Danielle Bebbington, a qualified Solicitor to its expanding Wills & Probate Department. Her appointment is a further addition to the firm’s expertise in this sector. Originally from Wakefield, she graduated from the University of Leeds and having qualified as a Solicitor began her career in Bradford. With a breadth of experience across the full Wills & Probate spectrum Danielle has represented a number of high profile clients and is extremely well-regarded.  Danielle will be based at the York office. Danielle will advise clients on a broad range of matters.  These range from the preparation of Wills, creation of Trusts, Lasting Powers of Attorney and making applications for Grants of Probate.  She has experience of looking after clients and guiding them and providing assistance when dealing with the…
03 September 2021 Residential property

The pandemic has seen record numbers of us undertaking DIY projects or getting tradesmen in to improve our homes. Our enthusiasm shows no sign of abating either, with the waiting list for builders stretching into next year. Ware & Kay agrees this trend is likely to continue. Here we look at some of the issues, and how to ensure your home improvements do not cause problems when you later put your home on the market. Planning permission, do you need it?  Not all alterations require planning permission. Generally, you will only need it if your proposed works constitute development. This has a special meaning under planning rules. It includes structural alterations and the sort of work a builder would ordinarily do. Non-structural work to the interior, like repainting the walls or replacing window frames, does not…
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