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10 January 2015 Litigation

A major dispute with a supplier or customer can jeopardise your entire business, especially when a contract is of strategic importance. Resolving disagreements at the earliest opportunity is key to ensuring that a supply chain relationship does not break down irretrievably. It also can be a major distraction from the day-to-day running of the business. We can help to relieve both the distraction and ease the stress and pressure. The litigation team at Ware & Kay understands the commercial issues at stake, and getting us involved early can ensure that you keep your business on track. Prevention is of course always better than cure. An important step in avoiding any business dispute is to ensure that you have correctly drawn up terms and conditions that are bespoke to your business. Buying a standard set of…
11 July 2014 Litigation

Courts and Tribunals exist to make decisions on disputes, but using them is expensive, time-consuming and stressful. For many years now it has been expected that parties using Courts and Tribunals do so as a last, not a first, resort. This is backed up, particularly in the civil courts, by the power of the courts to penalise those who do not make a reasonable attempt to resolve disputes before resorting to litigation. Traditionally negotiation, either in writing or by telephone or in meetings, has been the way of trying to reach a compromise, or at least reduce the areas which are in dispute. That remains the case. There are, however, now other options available, such as mediation (a form of negotiation facilitated by a third party) or arbitration (which can be binding or non-binding). Many…
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