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Legal updates

16 January 2023 Litigation

Sometimes we need to make a financial decision that is of such importance we decide to pay for professional advice. This may be from an accountant, a tax specialist, a pensions expert, a mortgage consultant, an independent financial advisor, a land valuer or surveyor, or even a lawyer offering financial or tax planning services.   By seeking professional input, we aim to arm ourselves with the information needed to ensure that the decisions we make are well-informed and that they are geared towards helping us to safeguard or improve our financial fortunes rather than making them worse. So where do you stand if you discover, possibly months or even years down the line, that the advice you have been given may be wrong or inappropriate and where it is likely that your financial interests have been harmed…

13 January 2023 Wills and estates

Research commissioned by SFE (Solicitors for the Elderly) and Ware & Kay Solicitors shows 67% of parents in Yorkshire have no legal plans in place to make sure their children are looked after, should the parents die. According to the research, parents in the region are almost completely unaware of the risks of not identifying a legal guardian in a will. Only one out of ten of parents understand that social services or the courts can step in to decide what happens to your children if you don’t have a will in place. SFE, a membership body of over 1,700 UK solicitors specialised in advising people planning for the future, is calling on parents to make sure they have an updated Will in place ahead of Update Your Will Week 2023 (23rd – 29th January). Sian…
06 January 2023 Residential property

Does the idea of a brand-new home appeal to you? If so, you are not alone as the last two years have seen a dramatic rise in the number of people buying off plan. Whether you are looking for your forever home, an investment property, or a holiday hideaway, buying off plan has its own challenges. Holly Stevens, Director & Head of Residential Property with Ware & Kay in York explains, ‘As with any property purchase, you should do your homework and consider all the pros and cons. Buying off plan also raises some specific legal issues, so it is important to get advice from the right professionals.’ Here she answers some of your questions. What exactly is buying off plan? Buying off plan involves committing to purchase a property you have not seen…
06 January 2023 Employment advice

Have you ever spotted someone wearing a lanyard with a sunflower as a means of indicating that they have a non-visible disability (also known as a hidden or invisible disability)? But not everyone wishes to advertise their disability, and some people may not know that they have one. ‘Employers are sometimes surprised by the level of support that they are legally required to provide to disabled employees,’ according to Kalpesh Nakeshree, Head of Employment Law with Ware & Kay. ‘What can come as an even greater surprise is that those legal obligations may arise even if the employee has not told their employer about the disability.’ Kalpesh looks at hidden disabilities and debunks some common myths about what employers need to know to trigger their responsibilities under the Equality Act 2010. What is a disability…
06 January 2023 Family Matters

Since April 2022, couples have been able to seek a divorce after one year of marriage without having to blame their former partner for any reason. Prior to the change in the law, couples who agreed to separate had to wait at least two years before they could divorce.  If they wanted a divorce prior to this, then blame had to be attributed to their spouse.  There were no alternative options. Robert Bellhouse, a Family Solicitor with Ware & Kay in York & Wetherby explains, ‘Thankfully the introduction of no-fault divorce means you can now petition straight away without blame being attributed to either spouse.  It is hoped this will lead to less acrimony, which could ease financial negotiations and foster better relations between divorcing parents which can only be seen as a positive for…
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