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Legal updates

05 May 2022 Family Matters

It is not uncommon for a divorcing couple to have some property in another country, whether this is a holiday home in the sun or the alps, a property in your country of birth, or an investment in commercial property or assets abroad.  ‘The term property in this context can cover houses, land or financial assets such as bank accounts or shareholdings in a business,’ explains Robert Bellhouse family law expert at Ware & Kay in York & Wetherby. ‘You or your spouse may hold this property jointly, or one or other of you may hold it in your sole name.  Either way during divorce the full detail of assets abroad must be disclosed.’ Valuation of foreign assets From a part share in a vineyard to your own Caribbean island, any assets abroad will be considered in…

05 May 2022 Employment advice

Ralph had worked for his employers for 5 years He was part of the IT support at his employer, had a clean record and had even been employee of the year. However one day his world came crashing down when he was suspended and invited to an investigation meeting by his employer for: ‘’Inappropriate use of company property. In particular you have used the work laptop for none work purposes, namely watching pornography during work time. Breach of the company IT policy. In particular, accessing and downloading pornographic material onto the work laptop. The company alleges that the above allegations constitute gross misconduct.’’ So, what would be the correct approach by an employer in this scenario? Amongst the many weird and wonderful cases this is a scenario that I have found myself advising on. The employer…
05 May 2022 Employment advice

Family businesses have traditionally relied on what previous generations have always done in order to make a well-earned living. However, as the behaviour of the everyday consumer changes so have these once traditional enterprises. Many have already realised the benefit of technology, with the internet and mobile telecommunications at the heart of business growth.   However, have you ever thought about that next step? Scaling up? Taking on new employees so you can readily meet the new demands of your customers? What are the key employment law considerations when such growth happens?  In this article Kalpesh Nakeshree, Head of Employment Law at Ware & Kay Solicitors in Wetherby, York and Malton touches on some of the more pertinent points to consider: Contracts of Employment Family who work for you could still be employees and in…
04 May 2022 Residential property

Your home is often your most important asset, and you may be lucky enough to own other property such as a holiday home or a buy-to-let investment.  Over time, if your personal circumstances change; you may want or need to transfer a share in a property.  This could be the transfer of a share in the value of your home to your former spouse if you are getting divorced, or to a new partner if you have moved in together. ‘Transferring property between family members is not always straightforward,’ warns Holly Stevens, Director and Head of Residential Property in York. ‘Your plans will need to take account of ownership structure and should be consistent with your longer-term goals.’ Holly looks at the issues to consider when transferring property between partners. Establishing the legal and beneficial interests…
28 April 2022 Employment advice

Sex Now that I have your attention…you find yourself curiously reading on and, for that, I thank you. Did you know that Sex is one of many protected characteristics contained within the Equality Act 2010? These characteristics are: Age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion of belief, sex and sexual orientation. Essentially this means that individuals who have these characteristics and feel discriminated against because of these characteristics may have rights and claims against not only their discriminators but even those who are responsible for those perpetrators e.g. an employer. The topic of discrimination is expansive and each characteristic would merit an article in its own right. However, in this piece I want to touch on the characteristic of ‘sex’ and how this impacts the workplace. Q. What is the…
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