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Five reasons to use collaborative law in a family dispute

22 December 2020 Written by Ware & Kay Solicitors Category: Family Matters

Robert BellhouseWhen a relationship breaks down, it can be one of the most distressing events many of us will have to endure.  There can be a lot to sort out; family finances, arrangements for children and who stays in the house.  Most people assume that the only way to end their marriage or formalise a separation involves a visit to court to let a judge make those decisions. 

Robert Bellhouse Family Solicitor at Ware & Kay in York & Wetherby explains that there is another option, called collaborative law, which offers an alternative option than going to court. 

“By choosing a collaborative approach, you & your former spouse/partner will both instruct a collaborative lawyer who will support you during a series of meetings aimed at resolving matters amicably.” says Robert.

Robert’s top reasons to choose a collaborative approach: 

  1. Disclosure - both sides provide full details of assets, income & debts at the outset, so the discussions are open & honest. 
  2. Valuations - if possible, valuation for properties, business or pensions are agreed between you & this saves on costs.
  3. Experts - you can call on the assistance of experts, e.g. pensions actuary or an accountant to attend. 
  4. Flexibility - sometimes options you had not considered may emerge through collaboration. The less formal approach makes it easier to compromise. 
  5. Legal advice - we will be there to give you independent advice regarding all issues & the implications of any agreement reached. 

If you need any other advice, please contact Robert Bellhouse on York 01904 716000, Wetherby 01937 583210 or Malton 01653 692247 or email robert.bellhouse@warekay.co.uk.

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