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09 February 2023 Family Matters

Running your own business can be the fulfilment of a lifelong dream, but it also brings stresses and strains which sometimes contribute to relationship breakdown. It certainly adds complexity when trying to agree a financial settlement after divorce. ‘The key challenge is to achieve a fair settlement without jeopardising the long-term financial health of the business upon which both people may still need to rely,’ says Robert Bellhouse, a Family Solicitor in the family team with Ware & Kay. ‘Determining a valuation for any business takes skill and tends to be a more complex exercise than valuing other matrimonial assets such as the house or a pension.’ Obtaining a business valuation Like all other matrimonial assets, it will be necessary to obtain a valuation of the family business or private company.  In order to achieve…
07 February 2023 Family Matters

At present, no capital gains tax (CGT) is charged on a transfer of assets between a married couple or civil partners who live together. If, however you are separated or divorced from your spouse or civil partner, then this tax relief does not necessarily apply. The Office of Tax Simplification reviewed the rules relating to separating couples in July 2022 and proposed a number of recommendations which the Government have agreed to implement from April 2023. Robert Bellhouse, Family Solicitor with Ware & Kay in York, Wetherby & Malton explains, ‘The new rules mean that separating couples will be afforded more time to transfer assets between themselves without the risk of being charged CGT. This is a welcome change and will take one financial pressure off, allowing more money to be available to meet the…
03 February 2023 Residential property

Almost one in two first-time buyers receive some financial assistance from their parents, but cash gifts or mortgage support are not the only ways to help the next generation. If you are asset rich and own land, vacant buildings or a second home, transferring property to a child is another option.  People sometimes have a separate outbuilding, such as a gite or annex, which they would like to gift. Alternatively, the subdivision of a farm or large garden could provide the site for a child to build their own home.  However, it is important to consider your own needs, and how these may change over time. Transferring property to a child can also raise different issues to a traditional conventional transaction, so it is important to get the right professional advice especially on the tax issues…
03 February 2023 Employment advice

‘Performance management can be challenging and time-consuming,’ according to Kalpesh Nakeshree, Head of Employment Law with Ware & Kay. ‘The first challenge is to determine if this is a capability issue that needs to be addressed under a performance management procedure, or if it is a conduct issue to be dealt with under the disciplinary process. As a rule of thumb, capability relates to the employee’s abilities and competence, whereas conduct involves carelessness or laziness.’ ‘It is important to get this right to make sure you follow the right procedure and increase the chances of any dismissal being fair. Kalpesh Nakeshree outlines the performance management process, looks at common problems and highlights some alternative options. Key steps The purpose of a performance management policy and procedure is to give the employee the opportunity to improve…
02 February 2023 Family Matters

  As recognised by Article 8 of the Human Rights Act 1998, everyone has the right to a private and family life, which includes having the right to change their name, without justification, providing that it is not for any frivolous such as a bet or fraudulent reason such as to avoid paying a debt.   There are several reasons why you might want to change your name including (but not limited to): To double-barrel your name after entering into a marriage or civil partnership; To bring a family together, for example, a step-family To reflect your gender; You dislike your current name; or Your name was registered incorrectly.   What changes can I make to my name? The changes that you can make to your name include changing your forename, middle name(s) or surname…
24 January 2023 Wills and estates

While purchasing a home with your partner can be an exciting prospect, it's important to consider the legal ramifications, especially in the case that one of you passes away. If you are not a lawyer, it is especially crucial because there is a lot of legal jargon that could make things complicated to understand. Ex-judge and author, Stephen Gold has spoken at length on the matter. He said: If you are joint tenants, when one of you dies during ownership, their interest automatically passes to the other - which could mess things up. For example, your Will may have gifted your interest to your children. That won't count. But if you own as tenants in common, you are each free to gift your interest to a third person although you can still gift to the other…
16 January 2023 Litigation

Sometimes we need to make a financial decision that is of such importance we decide to pay for professional advice. This may be from an accountant, a tax specialist, a pensions expert, a mortgage consultant, an independent financial advisor, a land valuer or surveyor, or even a lawyer offering financial or tax planning services.   By seeking professional input, we aim to arm ourselves with the information needed to ensure that the decisions we make are well-informed and that they are geared towards helping us to safeguard or improve our financial fortunes rather than making them worse. So where do you stand if you discover, possibly months or even years down the line, that the advice you have been given may be wrong or inappropriate and where it is likely that your financial interests have been harmed…
13 January 2023 Wills and estates

Research commissioned by SFE (Solicitors for the Elderly) and Ware & Kay Solicitors shows 67% of parents in Yorkshire have no legal plans in place to make sure their children are looked after, should the parents die. According to the research, parents in the region are almost completely unaware of the risks of not identifying a legal guardian in a will. Only one out of ten of parents understand that social services or the courts can step in to decide what happens to your children if you don’t have a will in place. SFE, a membership body of over 1,700 UK solicitors specialised in advising people planning for the future, is calling on parents to make sure they have an updated Will in place ahead of Update Your Will Week 2023 (23rd – 29th January). Sian…
06 January 2023 Residential property

Does the idea of a brand-new home appeal to you? If so, you are not alone as the last two years have seen a dramatic rise in the number of people buying off plan. Whether you are looking for your forever home, an investment property, or a holiday hideaway, buying off plan has its own challenges. Holly Stevens, Director & Head of Residential Property with Ware & Kay in York explains, ‘As with any property purchase, you should do your homework and consider all the pros and cons. Buying off plan also raises some specific legal issues, so it is important to get advice from the right professionals.’ Here she answers some of your questions. What exactly is buying off plan? Buying off plan involves committing to purchase a property you have not seen…
06 January 2023 Employment advice

Have you ever spotted someone wearing a lanyard with a sunflower as a means of indicating that they have a non-visible disability (also known as a hidden or invisible disability)? But not everyone wishes to advertise their disability, and some people may not know that they have one. ‘Employers are sometimes surprised by the level of support that they are legally required to provide to disabled employees,’ according to Kalpesh Nakeshree, Head of Employment Law with Ware & Kay. ‘What can come as an even greater surprise is that those legal obligations may arise even if the employee has not told their employer about the disability.’ Kalpesh looks at hidden disabilities and debunks some common myths about what employers need to know to trigger their responsibilities under the Equality Act 2010. What is a disability…
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